Reference our national American Legion website for comprehensive veterans' resources that encompasses nearly everything - including healthcare, education, benefits, finance, and job opportunities. Find out more
American Legion Veteran Service Officers - Accredited American Legion service officers are specially trained to provide expert assistance, free of charge, to veterans and their families. Find a service officer
If you are a veteran in need of immediate assistance please call the Veteran Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 and pressing 1.
ServingTogether - is a coordinated network of public, private and nonprofit organizations serving veterans, service members and their families in the Washington DC area. ServingTogether uses technology and its partner network to guide veterans, service members and their families to the most appropriate services and resources available.
Prince George's County Office of Veterans Affairs - Prince George’s County serves one of the largest populations of veterans in the State of Maryland by offering a One-Stop location with decentralized services dedicated to serving each veteran, and or family member, according to their need. Our programs reach far and wide and our mission includes:
MD Department of Veterans Affairs - State resources offering local opportunities for employment, training, health, financial, and additional veteran resources.
Catholic University Law Clinic - Veterans Advocacy
Michael McGonnigal
Talk to Post 108 members for local recommendations.
If you're seeking additional resources, come into the Cheverly American Legion and talk to fellow Legionnaires or the Legion Commander. The Cheverly American Legion and the wider Cheverly community is a limitless resource and there isn't any question or objective too big.
Disabled American Veteran (DAV) - nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year. The organization provides more than 670,000 rides for veterans attending medical appointments and assists veterans with more than 292,000 benefit claims annually.